The Professional CLUBMAKERS’ Society will offer a 3 day Advanced Fitting School on December 14, 15, 16 2005 at the PCS International Headquarters in Louisville, KY. There are still openings for this class!
The fitting school will include discussions on equipment specifications and cover comparison of equipment used in the swing analysis, using fitting data in making fitting recommendations and turning fitting recommendations into finished clubs. In addition, attendees will receive a DVD that will include fitting process done by some of our members with many years of experience in the fitting business. There are several spots available for this class. All Clubmakers are invited and encouraged to attend this class. Seating will be given on a first come first serve basis.
Cost of school: $375 for three days
Payment: The PCS accepts checks, Visa, or MasterCard
Class Schedule: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm daily (lunch is included in the cost)
Cancellation/refund policy: Refunds must be requested one week prior to the session.
To sign up or request more information, please contact the PCS:
Phone: (800) 548-6094 or 502-241-2816.
The Professional CLUBMAKERS’ Society (PCS)
70 Persimmon Ridge Drive
Louisville, Kentucky, 40245
800/548-6094; 502/241-2817 (fax)