By Ernest Jones and Innis Brown
Swinging into Golf was originally published in 1937, one of three Jones books devoted entirely to instruction. This edition was chosen for its clarity and real literary value, qualities that most instruction books lack. Innis Brown had been a writer and editor for sixteen years for the famous American Golfer magazine under Grantland Rice, and turned out what Herbert W. Wind and many others regarded as the best golf magazine ever published.
This classic book’s singular theory – swinging the club head – was developed by Jones before the First World War. Jones lost his leg during the war and with it his hope to become a top professional. He devoted himself to teaching. He could play amazingly well balancing on one leg, and consistently scored in the low 70s. The need to keep his balance while striking the ball on one leg confirmed the soundness of the theory he had earlier developed, for he discovered that only by swinging the club head could he stay in balance.
No one can assure you that this method will work for you, but it is a living method. In Golf Digest, Jim Flick regularly teaches that if you swing with your hands and arms and retain a sense of where the club head is during the swing, everything else – hips, shoulders, torso, will follow automatically. A new teaching method, call The Crocker Golf System, teaches how to swing the club head so that the shoulders turn and the wrists cock naturally. That comes from Jones. If you are at all like me, you will be out on the practice tee after reading this book.
Classics of Golf publishes and keeps in print the finest literature and history of golf. Classics of Golf, faithfully publishes a cost effective, attractive library of sixty-seven volumes of the works of Herbert Warren Wind, Bernard Darwin and other significant authors.
Format: Hardcover
Size: 5.75 X 8.75
Pages: 150
ISBN: 0-940889-67-6
Price: $29.00
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Lori Bortolot