The three sensor wireless system allows golf professionals and students to view 3D swing motion in real-time so they can immediately address faults.
January 25, 2006 Bedford, NH… The K-VESTâ?¢ by Bentley Kinetics (, a wireless golf instructional system that measures, analyzes and provides real-time feedback on human motion, is making its debut at the 2006 PGA Merchandise Show January 26th – 29th(Booth 1445).
K-VEST Defined:
With the application of advanced wireless technology, the K-VEST is revolutionizing how physical motion is measured and optimum performance is achieved. The K-VEST securely encloses three lightweight wireless sensors that are strategically placed on a golfer’s hips, shoulders and hand. The innovative hardware communicates wirelessly to a laptop computer to provide the user with unrestricted movement during the instructional process. The technology is coupled with KINESYNCâ?¢, a motion software program that immediately synchronizes video, live animation and swing data to give coaches a 3D view of an athlete’s movement in real-time. This enables them to identify swing faults and immediately communicate the correct movements to address them.
"One of the keys to performance is to accurately measure and analyze how the athlete moves in order to create a successful training program," comments Michael Bentley, Chief Technical Officer of Bentley Kinetics.
Two Target Audiences:
The K-VEST is designed to appeal specifically to two key target audiences – any level of golfer who wants to improve, and the golf professional who wants to teach better. "The marketplace for the K-VEST is substantial," says Bentley. "Golfers at all levels are looking to improve their performance through technology."
I Want It:
The K-VEST costs $2,995. This price includes the K-VEST, KINESYNC software and easy-to-follow instruction manual. The K-VEST works in conjunction with a high-speed video camera and laptop computer. The K-SYSTEMâ?¢ costs $6,495 and includes everything contained within the K-VEST package as well as a synchronized high-speed video camera, outdoor viewable laptop computer, computer stand with digital camera mount and a lightweight carrying case.
Bentley Kinetics, Inc., a leader in kinetic motion analysis, has created a revolutionary instructional system incorporating the latest in wireless motion analysis technology. The company utilizes their motion analysis software to enhance amateur and professional athletes’ functional performance. Bentley Kinetics, Inc., is a privately held company headquartered at 48 Constitution Drive, Bedford, NH. Telephone: 603-472-3519. Fax: 603-472-3539. Web Site:
Emma Pearson Stoner
603 205 1537