The Professional CLUBMAKERS’ Society is seeking a Technical Director at its International Headquarters in Louisville Kentucky. The candidate must be an experienced clubmaker with a strong background in clubmaking, club fitting and club repair and be up to date on the latest in clubmaking techniques, components, equipment and supplies. Must have excellent communications skills. Experience in teaching and public speaking is a plus. Must be willing to relocate. Some light travel is required. Excellent benefits and work environment. The PCS is an international, independent, professional society of more than 1100 clubmakers worldwide. It was founded in 1989 with a mission to "foster, promote and elevate the profession of custom fitting assembly and repair of golf clubs throughout the world". The PCS offers three certification exams that combine a written and hands on skills test which is the most rigorous, continually updated certification process in the clubmaking industry. Members enjoy benefits such as an annual PCS International Symposium and Expo, a 52 Page Technical publication, the PCS Journal, published bi-monthly, technical advice and support from PCS Headquarters and networking opportunities through the forums on the PCS website.
Send resume to: Professional Clubmakers Society, 70 Persimmon Ridge Dr. Louisville, KY. 40245 or email
Kim Pappas