Jeff Gallatin, the man behind Pro Club Cleaner tells us that since arriving at his initial design, most of the improvements he’s made to the machine have been about extended durability and ease of assembly, aimed at keeping it a hassle-free service for his clients. If you’ve never heard of it before, Pro Club Cleaner power washes an individual golf club head or grip in two to three seconds or an entire set of golf clubs and grips in two to three minutes. Golfers insert their clubs one by one into a chamber where they’re greeted by a series of stationary brushes and strategically placed spray-jets that peck the dirt off the club-face without the use of any additives or chemicals – strictly high water pressure. Unlike most club cleaners, this one does grips too. Clubs can be fed shaft first and will emerge grease and grime free for a nice tacky grip. Pro Club Cleaner can be placed at the Cart Barn, with the Bag Storage, at the Starter Gate or on the Driving Range… It’s A Great Way to Service Your Golf Clientele.
Jeff tells us that the machine strips down into only 9 parts for shipping and storage and can be re-assembled in under 5 minutes without using any tools, just align the positioning pins and hand tightened the unions. The base is on wheels, so it can be rolled around to where you want it, then fill the water tank, plug it in and your ready to clean clubs. And with no moving parts, so it’s virtually maintenance free. Which is not to say that over time and with extended usage some part will eventually break down. But, not to worry, just make the call and a replacement part will arrive over-night, be it the pump, an electrical component, or the entire electric panel. And of course, at no extra charge.
Call Jeff at 734-368-0256 about Leasing Catered to Your Season. You can also send an Email to and check out the video at
Jeffrey R. Gallatin
Pro Club Cleaner
409 S. Division
Ann Arbor, MI 48104