Another class of Club Performance Fitting Specialists graduated from Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute February 3, 2006 at its Orlando school. This popular two-day class offers training related to club performance and putter fitting. Classes are held on the world-renown 42-acre circular range at Orange County National Golf Center.
The Club Performance Fitting Specialist curriculum begins with a study of club specifications and head, shaft and grip designs and how these designs influence ball flight. Attendees analyzed their own golf clubs to quantify how club specifications affect ball flight. Zelocity PureLaunchâ?¢ and Accusport Vectorâ?¢ launch monitors are used to analyze club and ball performance. The class includes actual launch monitor time with each student hitting balls with a matrix of clubs from Cleveland Golf, KZG, Tommy Armour Golf, and Sonartec. These demo clubs were custom made with a matrix of shafts from Aldila, Grafalloy, UST, Rapport and the original manufacturer. The class concluded with a discussion of how to best match club specifications with launch monitor data to achieve desired club performance. New to this class is putter fitting featuring the Mitchell® Putting Studio. Both the Fitting & Teaching Modules were demonstrated to the students with a full explanation of how to use this dual camera system for fitting and teaching.
Each student was awarded a personalized certificate identifying him as a Mitchell® Certified Club Performance Fitting Specialist. The new graduates include Victorinus Tjia, Optimal Golfclubs, Hauge, Netherlands; Jeff Tan & Donna Huang, Jai Wei LTD, Taipei, Taiwan; William Bush, Synergy Custom Clubs, Columbus, IN; Mike Soergel, Northview Golf & CC, Port Moody, BC, CN; Carl Bergener & Kurt Bergener, Pro Golf of Royal Palm Beach, FL; John Callahan, Golf Professional, Harrison, NY; Douglas Stonehouse, McGolf, Sebring, FL; Perry Hallmeyer, Golf Club Solutions, Cayucos, CA; Rich Gerdes & Dave Stueckrath, Caddies Golf Shop, Lincoln, NE and John Thompson, Play Better Golf, Seattle, WA.
"These students have learned how golf club specifications influence ball performance and how to use launch monitor data to fit for the best results," states Paul Bessler, PGA Golf Professional and school instructor. "They also learned putter fitting using the state-of-the-art Mitchell putting studio."
Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute conducts its Club Repair Technician, Club Performance Fitting and True Temper® "Gold Certified" Shaft Performance Fitting schools in the Studio Building on the world-renown 42-acre circular range at Orange County National Golf Center in Orlando, Florida.
About Mitchell® Golf
Mitchell® Golf is the #1 source in the world for professional golf club performance, teaching and repair equipment, supplies and education. Mitchell® Golf products are used on all major golf tours, by PGA golf professionals and major golf retail stores to serve the repair needs of their members and customers. For further information concerning Mitchell® Golf products and certification schools, email Mike Stevens, Director of Sales & Marketing, or call 800-437-1314.
Ed Mitchell
Mitchell Publishing Company
954 Senate Drive
Dayton, OH 45459
(877) 437-1314