In our latest conversation with Jeff Gallatin, owner of Pro Club Cleaner, we find him still behind the wheel, though this time moving through the north-eastern states, accompanied by JR (and his special mystery guest), making deliveries and demonstrating his cub cleaning machine. As the spring road trip progresses, Pro Club’s latest placement is with Shaun Power, Head Pro at Fairview Country Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. Shaun called Jeff and said he’d seen a copy of the Pro Club video that his GM had gotten at the PGA Merchandise Show, and both were sold on it and to come on down. So there he went.
Jeff says its the type of place and course that once you get there, you can’t wait to get out and play a round of golf. They’ve got 18 challenging holes carved out of these 200 lush, rolling, wooded acres, formerly the grounds of St. Luke’s Convalescent Hospital, set among the old private school estates north of Greenwich. Your greeted by these classic pillars and gates, with the long drive to the round-about entrance portico, complete with the valet service, and the stately old hospital building now serving as this elegant clubhouse, all dark wood paneling and old leather. Meanwhile, back at the cart barn, well, that’s where the Pro Club machine was placed, and you know the bag boys started using it right off the bat.
Pro Club Cleaner power washes an individual golf club head or grip in two to three seconds or an entire set of golf clubs and grips in two to three minutes. Golfers insert their clubs one by one into a chamber where they’re greeted by a series of stationary brushes and strategically placed spray-jets that peck the dirt off the club-face without the use of any additives or chemicals – strictly high water pressure. It takes less than 5 minutes to assemble, it’s maintenance free, and there are no moving parts. Unlike most club cleaners, this one does grips too. Clubs can be fed shaft first and will emerge grease and grime free for a nice tacky grip. Pro Club Cleaner can be placed at the Cart Barn, with the Bag Storage, at the Starter Gate or on the Driving Range… It’s A Great Way to Service Your Golf Clientele.
You gotta see this video too. Check it out at or call Jeff at 734-368-0256. And if you talk to him, be sure to ask about Leasing Catered to Your Season. You can also send an Email to What an Easy way to Win!
Jeffrey R. Gallatin
Pro Club Cleaner
409 S. Division
Ann Arbor, MI 48104