April 1, 2007: Palm Coast, Florida & the UK: The World Caddie Hq-PCA Foundation Founder/CEO Dennis Cone, announced today during the Ginn Championship that on Thursday of the 2007 GREAT GOLF event in Augusta, Gaâ?¦ PCA will official release the DVD " FIVE FEET AWAY " that is becoming the international song for the unsung heroes in the world.
PCA Worldwide is launching the PCA Anthem DVD " FIVE FEET AWAY ", performed by Michael Bolton next week in Augusta Ga. The PCA Foundation is sharing the song to organizations that would like to raise money for their cause. It is a testament to all the unsung heroes in the world today who donate their time and resources to make dreams come true for their fellow man. We will also looking for some partners help with the PCA-WMP in marketing for 2007
MICHAEL BOLTON HELPS http://www.prnewswire.com/news/index_mail.shtml?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/08-11-2005/0004087006&EDATE and PCA-WMP see Michael Bolton News Letter PAGE 5 http://www.michaelboltoncharities.com/images/MBCNewsletter2006.pdf
Bruce Edwards was a 2003 inductee into the PCA Caddie Hall of Fame http://pcaworldwide.com/halloffameinductee.htm and long time friend/caddie for
PGA TOUR player Tom Watson. Bruce’s Spirit is glowing and flowing in the hearts of The Caddie Foundation www.PCAFhq.org and they want to world to know that dreams come true if you keep the faith & hope alive and YOU are appreciated for helping your fellow man. The Life & Social Skills learned through sports and the 500 year old profession of Looping can only be defined as " The greatest GREEN walk in the world ". And HOW-1 (Hearts Organizing Worldwide and ONE person can make a positive difference in someone’s life) green grass mission is right in the fairway.
GIFT FOR YOU AND YOU’RE HEART 🙂 You can hear the actual song played and dedicated to Bruce and originally recorded by PCA-HOF Country singer Gary Chapman by clicking here http://www.pcaworldwide.com/13azf.htm Michael Bolton has now recorded and PCA is releasing the DVD with Michael Bolton to the world at the 2007 Masters. Best with a headset if you have one. Turn your speaker up, click on Garys head, close your eyes and think of the heroes in your life who have helped YOU.
PCA Foundation is supporting the Project Evergreen www.projectevergreen.com by enlisting their 10,000 PCA caddie graduate foot solders to help keep the world green and growing for generations to come. The Caddie Hall of Fame will be placing Botanical Tree Gardens at several locations around the world to honor the inductee’s spirits with a living monument for the world to enjoy. If you would like to help the PCA mission in any way… Please contact the PCA TODAY at 386-446-8721 or PCAF@PCAFhq.org and Join the Team.
About PCA
PCA is an association open to all caddies, working or retired, dedicated to elevating respect for the professional caddie and to paying homage to those who filled a special role in the history of the game. The organization and its Foundation work to provide the youth of the world the opportunity to learn both life and social skills through the game of golf and the profession of caddying, while enhancing their knowledge and interpersonal skills both on and off the course. In addition, PCA and its 10,000 Graduate/members worldwide strive to bring back caddies to the golf courses of the world, while preserving the tradition of this greatest of all games. Visit us at www.PCAworldwide.com and www.PCAworldwide.org for more complete details.
Mission: Caddies and supporters helping Caddies and others worldwide. To provide its members, caddies, their families and others with additional income opportunities, high quality benefits, services and certification thorough educational and communication programs worldwide. To bring back caddies and preserve the tradition of the game of golf.
Contact the PCA Foundation to find out how your organization can benefit from this truly great tribute.
PCA Media & Travel
Dennis Cone