Mitchell® Golf Equipment Company, Dayton, Ohio announces the release of its newest catalog. In an effort to better service its customers, Mitchell® Golf has implemented a new catalog marketing plan and will publish 3 catalogs annually. The Winter Edition will be published in December to commence each year followed by a Spring Edition in April and a Fall Edition in September.
The new Spring Edition Mitchell® Golf catalog features an easy to locate color-coded tab for each product category. In addition to its industry standard club performance and repair tools, Mitchell® Golf has added over 50 new products to make professional club fitting and repair technician’s jobs easier and more profitable.
Steelclub® and TourGauge® Angle Machines continue to set the standard in the golf industry for measuring and bending iron, metal woods, hybrids and putters. Mitchell® Golf has lowered the prices for these popular machines as much as $200.00. Industry professionals can save an additional 10% by joining the Mitchell® Partners Program, a marketing network of "Recognized" club repair shops providing tour quality club performance upgrades.
The new products include several hand tools like a cordless drill and Rhino Rip grip knife; new epoxy in both cartridges and squeeze bottles and embroidered Mitchell® logo caps.
A complete buffing system has been added including a ½ HP buffing motor, buffing wheels and compounds for polishing bore-thru sole plates, iron soles, painted metal woods heads and for polishing ferrules.
Also new to the 2007 Mitchell® Golf catalog is the Balance-Certified Golf Counter Balance System. The Pro-Balance Drop-In Weight Counter Balance System is tour tested and tour proven as a scientific way to quantify "feel". Installation and fitting methods for the Pro-Balance Drop-In Weight Counter Balance System are taught in the Club Repair Technician and Club Performance Fitting Schools conducted by Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute.
The Zelocity PureLaunchâ?¢ Doppler Radar Launch Monitor returns to the Mitchell® Golf catalog. With its patented Doppler Radar Technology, the PureLaunchâ?¢ tracks both the club head and golf ball and measures club head speed, launch angle, spin rate, angle of descent, distance and other data points which makes it the most affordable radar based launch monitor available. It is used exclusively in the Club Performance Fitting School at Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute to teach launch monitor fitting.
The new catalog should be arriving soon to all Mitchell® Golf customers. If not received within the next 10 days, customers are asked to call 800-437-1314 or visit to order one. Anyone not already a Mitchell® Golf customer is encouraged to order a catalog and start providing professional club performance upgrades for their golfers.
Mitchell® Golf is the #1 source in the world for professional grade club performance repair equipment, supplies and education. Mitchell® Golf products are used on all major golf tours, by PGA Tour Professionals, PGA Golf Professionals, club makers, club repair shops and major golf retail stores to serve the performance repair needs of their members and customers. For more information concerning Mitchell® Golf products and certification schools email Mike Stevens, Director of Sales & Marketing, or call 800-437-1314 ext. 116.
Ed Mitchell
Mitchell Publishing Company
954 Senate Drive
Dayton, OH 45459
937-436-1314 ext. 115