Pellucid Corp. reports that, at a national level, Golf Playable Hours (GPH) for the month of May were very similar to last year. After relatively large swings, both positive and negative, over the first four months of the year, this is the first month of relatively comparable weather to last year. This neutral weather outcome, compared to 2006, slightly decreased the year-to-date rounds deficit when compared to GPH. This means rounds played for May, when reported next month, should show gains vs. the prior year. Looking back on the recently-released rounds results for the trailing month of April, the decline of 15% reported by Golf Datatech was larger than expected based on Pellucid’s previously-reported decline in GPH.
Performance across Pellucid’s 24 weather-based regions varies but reflected the overall neutral weather results for May compared to 2006 as 11 of 24 regions were neutral (+/-2% variance to year-ago). This provided a slight improvement in the year-to-date regional breadth but 16 of 24 regions remain in negative territory with 3 neutral and only 5 positive.
Pellucid President Jim Koppenhaver comments on the current results saying, "Much like my golf game, it appears there’s always a bogey lurking on the horizon. We’ve struggled to produce rounds increases in previous years with favorable weather, now we’re going to have to figure out how to do it against the grain in unfavorable weather. I’m not saying we can’t overcome the first 5 months lackluster results but rounds performance will have to be positive for the 2nd quarter for us to have a shot at it."
More detail on the results from national level down to individual facility can be obtained through combinations of Pellucid’s Weather Impact Analyses: The Regional Weather Impact Tracking report, the Facility 10-year Weather Impact Trend report, the Facility Annual Weather Impact Analysis and the Facility Monthly Weather Impact Tracking report at prices beginning under $100 per facility.
Parties interested in separating the weather vs. operational components of rounds performance, including course owners, lenders, buyers and sellers can find more information on Pellucid’s weather capabilities at For more specific information on the Regional Weather Impact Tracking report and to receive a free sample, interested parties should contact Jim Koppenhaver at
Jim Koppenhaver, President, Pellucid Corp.