PORT O’ CONNOR, Texas – Eidolon Golf Founder and President Terry Koehler has long been regarded as one of the golf industry’s "shot game" gurus in terms of the design and performance of wedges. Koehler’s patented V-SOLE Technology in Eidolon Wedges, in fact, is a breakthrough in wedge design and has been hailed by custom club makers and golfers alike.
Now Koehler is breaking through again, this time with a new blog post Web site, http://www.thewedgeguy.com/. Koehler’s blog site (http://www.thewedgeguy.com/) presents his opinions and experiences on a variety of topics regarding the game and scoring, and gives club makers and golfers the opportunity to dialogue with Koehler (through a page called "Ask Terry”).
Regular posts by Koehler share musings from his nearly 30 years in the golf industry, as well as commentary on the latest in short-game news and technology from around the industry.
"The Web site (http://www.thewedgeguy.com/) is a chance for everybody who loves wedges and short-game technology to express their opinions and give their ideas," said Koehler. "We’ve had great response so far. It’s clear that with that’s going on with short-game technologies these days, especially with the upcoming USGA ruling on grooves, golfers and custom club designers can’t get enough information.
"That’s why the Web site (http://www.thewedgeguy.com/) is so fresh and so important. Everybody has a chance to sound off on the short game. They realize that the game of golf is really played form 150 yards in.”
The Web site (http://www.thewedgeguy.com/) also features an archive of Koehler’s articles and instruction tip and a link for readers to sign up for Eidolon Golf’s newsletter.
Koehler, a former director of marketing at the Ben Hogan Company and co-founder of Reid Lockhart Golf, founded Eidolon Golf in 2002 and introduced the Eidolon Wedges with V-SOLE Technology in 2003. Since then the company has steadily grown to become a major player in the custom wedge marketplace, at retail and through sales from its Web site, http://www.eidolongolf.com/.
Eidolon V-SOLE wedges provide shot making versatility not found in other wedges. With Eidolon’s V-SOLE Technology, the leading edge of the wedge’s sole — about one-quarter of an inch — has an aggressive bounce (15 degrees on the 48-degree pitching wedge, 18 degrees on the 52-degree gap wedge, 30 degrees on the 56-degree wedge, and 25 degrees on the 60-degree wedge) that ensures that the leading edge never digs into the turf. The primary rear portion of the sole features minimal bounce — three degrees each on the 48 pitching wedge and 52 gap wedge, seven degrees on the 56 mid-wedge and six degrees on the 60 lob wedge — for improved playability from tight lies.
In addition to its patented V-SOLE design, Eidolon painstakingly CNC-mills the face and every individual groove in each wedge, a revolutionary extra step that is a cut above most mass-produced wedges. This precision milling achieves nearly 100 percent of the groove specifications allowed by the USGA, as compared with as low as 60 to 70 percent of allowed groove volume common to standard production wedges.
Terry Koehler, TKoehler@eidolongolf.com or 512-535-3859