Mike Adams is a nationally renowned golf instructor who is dedicated to enhancing the game of golf for all levels of golfers. He created the LAWs of Golf philosophy as a way to offer golfers of all levels a swing that is customized to their build and now AllGolfTV (www.allgolftv.com) will footage of Mr. Adams featured on its Internet TV Station.
He has been listed among the Top 100 instructors by both Golf Magazine and Golf Digest for the past several years and coaches many of the current PGA and LPGA tournament players. He has also won numerous teaching awards including, most recently the South Florida Section Teacher of the Year for 2001.
He is a former PGA touring professional and is known throughout the world as the "Swing Doctor". He is one of the United States most sought after golf teachers. Hollywood celebrities who have benefited from Mike’s teaching capabilities include Jack Nicholson, Michael Douglas, Keanu Reeves, Kenny G., Willie Nelson and Tom Landry. Current president, George W. Bush, and past presidents, Bill Clinton, Gerald Ford, and George Bush Sr. have also been pupils of Mike’s.
“With the tremendous talent, success, and resume that Mike Adams has proven, AllGolfTV is extremely excited to have Mike’s involvement. We know that with the other initiatives that we have in place, this will catapult us to the forefront with out efforts to become a household name.” said Eileen Luttrell, President of AllGolfTV.
To learn more about AllGolfTV please visit our blog at www.AllGolfTV.wordpress.com or contact Eileen Luttrell by email at Eileen@allgolftv.com or by phone at 916-949-0800.
Eileen Luttrell
President & CEO
"Everything Golf"