Greensboro NC – Geoff Mangum of the PuttingZone announces that the PuttingZone will partner with Atlanta-based Women in Golf Foundation to support growing the presence of successful women golfers in the game.
According to WIGF Founder and Executive Director LaJean Gould, the 501(c)(3) organization supports female youth and collegiate players with training programs, summer camps, golfing opportunities, networking, and financial support for expert coaching services, and also promotes career women via golf. Annually, the WIGF conducts the Women’s Collegiate Championship for HBCU women’s golf teams.
Geoff Mangum said: “The game of golf cannot grow without women succeeding and enjoying the game. This means the culture of golf has to welcome women to a much greater extent than it has traditionally. As a golf teaching professional, helping the WIGF is a simple matter of self-preservation! Besides, women make great students of the game and my students beat all the guys!”
LaJean Gould welcomed Mangum’s participation, and plans to announce group putting clinics for women players in the WIGF for the Fall. She said, “With Geoff’s donating his putting coaching, our players can step up to the elite level of play, as has been demonstrated by his work with our player Zakiya Randall, who recently won the Georgia Golf Amateur Tour at age 17 against all men players. We’re really excited to have Geoff’s help.”
About Geoff Mangum and the PuttingZone:
Geoff Mangum is widely regarded as the most knowledgeable putting coach in the world and has spent twenty years studying and coaching putting to amateurs and professionals on all tours. The PuttingZone community includes seven international Acadamies and over 40 certified coaches in Canada, the United States, England, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. Mangum combines the best putting lore with modern neuroscience for human perception and movement in putting’s four skills — reading, aiming, stroking, and controlling distance. The result is a permanent and dramatic increase in putting competence and the added confidence that comes with real skill. His new book Optimal Putting: Brain Science, Instincts, and the Four Skills of Putting was recently debuted to rave reviews at the January 2008 PGA Merchandise Show. For more information, visit Geoff Mangum’s , 518 Woodlawn Avenue, Greensboro NC 27401, email him at, or call him directly at (336) 340-9079.
About the Women in Golf Foundation, Inc.
The WIGF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization located at 4217 River Rd, Ellenwood GA 30294, telephone (770) 335-2364, LaJean Gould, Founder / Executive Director. Our mission is developing golf and life skills for women. Won’t you help us in our mission today? Your tax-exempt donations or in-kind support is greatly appreciated!