19th Hole: Do’s & Don’ts
Check out “How to Pour Wine Like a Pro” on our “Blog” page at www.wheretoplaygolfworldwide.com. or www.beerswinesandspiritsoftheworld.com. We have the answers to questions like:
*What is the proper amount to pour for a glass of wine?
*Why do you swirl the wine in the glass?
*Who should get the first glass of wine?
It’s always a fast read.
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Michael Stewart
About Where to Play Golf Worldwide
Where to Play Golf Worldwide website and articles features the finest golf, vacation & travel destinations, 19th Holes, new golf products, golf course & resort reviews, Where to Play Golf radio & TV shows, golf tips and more. (www.wheretoplaygolfworldwide.com)
“Golf Radio Show of the Year” and “Golf Article of the Year” winner.
About Links & Drinks Magazine
Our new “Links & Drinks” on-line magazine and radio/TV shows feature the finest golf, vacation & travel destinations, articles and new products, along with great breweries, wineries, distilleries, 19th Holes, festivals, celebrity chefs and more. Each issue reaches millions of
affluent golfers, vacationers & travelers worldwide. (www.linksanddrinksmagazine.com)
About Beers, Wines & Spirits of the World
Our new Beers, Wines & Spirits of the World” website showcases the finest breweries, wineries, distilleries, drinking spots, restaurants, festivals, booze news and new products. (www.beerswinesandspiritsoftheworld.com)