Welcome to PerformanceTrak News, a publication from The PGA of America and NGCOA!
PerformanceTrak in Cooperation with NGCOA is the largest single source of rounds played data in the industry. Primary contributors to this monthly rounds played and revenue report are PGA Professionals and NGCOA Member owners and operators. Unique to PerformanceTrak, current year and prior year volume figures for monthly and year-to-date rounds played are provided along with percent change.
In addition to rounds played monthly data, PGA Professionals, employers and other registered users of PerformanceTrak also provide revenue data for four key performance indicators (KPIs). These include golf fee revenue, merchandising revenue, food and beverage revenue and total revenue. Comparative reports are generated for revenue per round with drill-down segmentation by facility size and by state, local markets and for PGA of America, by PGA Section. Publicly available rounds played and KPI reports are available at www.PGAPerformanceTrak.com.
May 2009 National Golf Performance Overview and Comment
A total of 2,400 golf facilities, including data from PGA and NGCOA participants, provided May data by the reporting date. At the nationwide level, May 2009 rounds were up 0.9% and days open were nearly flat at 0.4% compared to May 2008. The number of weekend days in May 2009 was 10, which is one more than May 2008. YTD rounds played are up 1.3% with YTD days open also up 1.9%. Based on 2008 calendar year statistics, approximately 35% of total annual rounds are played in the five month period January through May.
While overall rounds played were up during May 2009, there were clear differences in results by facility type. Same-store rounds played at private facilities were up 0.7%, while same-store rounds played at resort facilities were down -7.5%. This supports a theme that avid private golfers are maintaining their rounds at local facilities while destination resorts are being affected by travel and economic concerns.
Useable same-store golf fee revenue responses were submitted by 1,071 facilities. Median gross golf fee revenue was down -4.2% nationally. All other gross revenues (merchandise revenue, food and beverage revenue, and total revenue) were also down in May 2009 compared to May 2008. For golf fee revenue, this indicates that with rounds slightly up 0.9%, effective rates dropped resulting in gross revenues being down. Overall, YTD gross revenues were also down; however, similar to rounds played, there are differences in results by facility type.
The Performance Factor for May 2009 was 100.5 indicating rounds played per day open were up slightly in May 2009 compared to May 2008. A partial explanation for this is the extra weekend day in May 2009. The YTD Performance Factor of 99.4 indicates rounds played per day open were down slightly for the year through May 2009.
May 2009 Year-to-Date State Performance
State-by-state results below are for YTD rounds played and YTD days open, compared to the same period prior year, and with percent change. Every Midwestern state has had increased rounds played and increased days open through May 2009. Most states in the Northeast had increased rounds played, with some due to increased days open, and some despite decreased days open. A large part of states in the South have had decreased days open, which in turn bring down the rounds played; however, a few southern states outside of the South Atlantic region showed rounds played increases. The Western region reflected rounds played declines in areas that include destination resort facilities, while other states reflected increased rounds played.
The three states in this month’s PerformanceTrak Spotlight are Minnesota, Utah, and Virginia.
The state of Minnesota had significant increases in YTD days open of 26.2%. This has impacted the YTD rounds played in a positive way as the YTD rounds played in Minnesota were up 19.2%.
Utah is one of the states in the West that is showing YTD declines in rounds played. The YTD rounds played in Utah were down -2.3%. This is despite a YTD increase in days open of 5.9%.
Virginia, similar to most states in the South Atlantic region of the United States, has seen YTD declines in days open of -5.4%. This decrease in days open has had an impact on the YTD rounds played, which were down -5.6%.
Michele Kruchkowski, Mastro Communications: 732/469-5700, E-mail: mkruchkowski@mastrocomm.com