Buffalo Grove, Ill. (Aug. 28)-Pellucid Corp., a leading golf course industry information provider and market research firm, has announced the launch of a new online golf business news publication. The magazine, which will publish monthly at the end of each month, is called The Pellucid Perspective and debuted September 1st.
The publication’s founders are Pellucid Corp. CEO Jim Koppenhaver as publisher and Jim Dunlap, former Senior Editor for Golf Inc. magazine, as editor-in-chief. The magazine, ranging each month between 15 and 20 pages in length, will be distributed initially to approximately 30,000 email recipients representing all of the major stakeholders in the golf industry.
“Both Jim and I have felt for some time that the industry would benefit from a news and research-based publication that would address the numerous serious issues facing golf from a truly independent viewpoint,” Koppenhaver said. “Pellucid has worked diligently to establish a meaningful dialog with the thought leaders of the industry during the past decade, and we look forward to expanding that communication with The Pellucid Perspective.” Jim Dunlap added, “We feel there is a real need for an issue-oriented publication such as this, as golf business information coverage has declined in quantity and quality, even as the issues and challenges for our business owners have multiplied and become more complex. We’re simply stepping up to fill that need.”
The publication’s business model is based on sponsorship, with sponsors receiving exclusivity in their particular industry category. Charter sponsors of the publication are some of the industry’s most forward-thinking companies, namely Club Car, GolfNow, KemperSports Management and ValleyCrest Golf Course Maintenance.
Individuals interested in receiving the publication at no charge can register at http://www.pellucidcorp.com/utilities/guest.html or contact Jim Koppenhaver, jimk@pellucidcorp.com. Companies interested in sponsorship opportunities should contact Jim Dunlap at (760) 212-3714 or jdgolfer@cox.net.