The A announces the signing of three new partnerships with the Indiana Golf Association, the Massachusetts Golf Association, and the West Virginia Golf Association. The Indiana Golf Association is one of four member associations of the Indiana Golf Office, which has has over 33,000 individual members at 275 member courses. The West Virginia Golf Association (WVGA) was founded in 1913 and is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to preserve, promote and advance the best interests and the true spirit of the game of golf in the state of West Virginia. The Massachusetts Golf Association was founded in 1903 and has grown from 42 to nearly 400 member clubs, from hosting two to ten Championships, and from 1,000 to more than 90,000 member golfers. The A Position’s state golf association partners enjoy access to content written by 50 of the best journalists covering golf courses, travel, equipment, instruction, lifestyle, and other subjects, in addition to other benefits.
Jeff Wallach
Executive Editor/Managing Partner
(O) 503-236-1793
(C) 971-242-9454