Purchase one Golflexx of any flex for yourself and get the second one at half price and free shipping. Use it as a gift or give it to your favorite golf partner. Remember, Golflexx is not just for golfers. Get your “March Madness” special at www.golflexx.com
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Now a little bit about stretching with your Golflexx:
“You must stretch.” The message is passed onto exercisers with all types of goals – from weight loss to athletic performance achievement to swinging a golf club. And the message is that increasing the flexibility of a muscle-tendon body part makes exercise and golfing more efficient and may help you prevent injury or muscle soreness. Stretching is often recommended to be included in warm-up and cool-down phases of any exercise.
Golfing is an exercise of many body muscle groups and tendons located in both your upper and lower body. Proper stretching with Golflexx prior to, during and after a round of golf will greatly decrease your risk of injury.
Stretching is not necessarily the same as warming up or cooling down, although stretching may be part of these activities. And to make matters a little more complicated, the benefits of stretching with Golflexx or in general can be considered in four phases:
1. Immediately before a round of golf or exercise
2. During your round of golf
3. Immediately after a round of golf
4. As part of a regular daily program, even when you’re not golfing
Read on to see the following topics of discussion that includes consideration of these various aspects of stretching and warm-up with Golflexx.
Perceived Benefits of Stretching with Golflexx
Using Golflexx for a daily stretching routine has been promoted as having the following benefits:
• Increase or maintain flexibility for day-to-day or performance functionality
• Prevent injury during golf and other exercise activity
• Increase performance in your overall game of golf
• Offset muscle soreness after exercise by using your Golflexx properly
Maintain Flexibility
Playing a round of golf and physical activity in general helps us maintain flexibility into older age. By following our specific routine of stretching exercises Golflexx may help in this process.
Prevent Golf Injury
In golf as in many sports activities flexibility is an integral part of the performance requirements, regular stretching to increase flexibility to extreme levels is necessary. While golfing muscles and tendons are stretched and shortened suddenly and powerfully. To prevent the possibility of injury a golfer should warm up properly, stretch prior to swinging a golf club and keep those muscles and tendons loose and free from injury. Using Golflexx will help do this weather you’re a golfer or not.
Increase Performance overall and club head speed
The golf swing produces explosive power coming out of your back swing going into making contact with the ball. This motion transfers into club head speed. With proper warming up and stretching you will increase your chance of producing that speed needed for a longer drive as well as control and consistency.
Golflexx………Stretch it out!
Take advantage of our March Madness by purchasing your Golflexx and getting a second Golflexx at half price with FREE shipping. Visit us on the web at www.golflexx.com for details.
Tony Benach