VedbÆk, Denmark, July 12, 2012 – B.i.G. (Bioengineered in Germany), the inventor of the unique Performance-DNA and the B.i.G. Performance Cycle, is committed to take golf to new levels. To do so, B.i.G. has partnered with TrackMan to ensure the most consistent outcome and quality for all fittings globally.
J.P. Clarfeld, B.i.G.’s CEO and Founder, explains,
“At B.i.G. we are constantly on a journey through a world of science, precision, and ultimate quality. We want to establish a new way of fitting focused on a continuous relationship with our clients. We have chosen TrackMan as our exclusive club and ball monitor, not only because of its superior data accuracy, but because of how TrackMan software, TrackMan Cloud (data sharing solutions), and TrackMan University education services enable superior customer services and experience.
TrackMan University allows us to ensure a consistent education level all over the world, to the benefit of our customers!”
As part of the partnership, all B.i.G. fitting representatives in the US, Europe, and Asia will become TrackMan Certified Professionals.
“We are very proud that B.i.G. decided for TrackMan as its exclusive fitting technology partner. Our TrackMan University education portfolio covers all aspects from operating TrackMan, servicing clients with personalized reporting through TrackMan’s Cloud (, to the underlying ball flight laws and D-Plane theory. This portfolio is globally delivered through a blended mix of online trainings and classroom courses. “, says Emanuel Frauenlob, Sales Director TrackMan Europe.
Benjamin Mees
B.i.G. Research and Development Manager
Anders Vestergaard
Manager, TrackMan University
P: +45 4574 4744