ORLANDO, FL (Jan. 22, 2014) – Winners in 13 categories were announced Wednesday in the 21st Annual ING Media Awards program at the PGA Merchandise Show.
The International Network of Golf, a non-profit, media-based networking organization, conducts the awards program for its members. ING membership is open to anyone in the golf industry and media.
A total of 43 First-Place and Outstanding Achiever awards were awarded at the presentation press conference conducted in ClubING at the PGA Show. Total entries increased 31 percent this year over last year.
The program was followed by a cocktail party featuring LPGA legend Nancy Lopez. Media Awards sponsors this year were iD Grips, Bridgestone Golf and PGA Golf Exhibitions.
For the second straight year, the Met Gofer magazine was the winner in the Golf Publications category. The best radio program went to Ann Liguori and the “Sports Innerview with Ann Liguori” show. The top TV show went to Chicago District Golfer TV and producer Dave Lockhart.
There were several multiple award winners (either First Place or Outstanding Achiever), including Jim Dunlap, Michael Billingsley, Gary Van Sickle, John Steinbreder, Tony Dear, Mike Kern, Holly Geoghegan, Joel Zuckerman and Tony Leodora.
Winners and Outstanding Achievers are determined by an independent panel of three judges in each category. Judges use a point system with several criteria. Determinations are made by judges when possible without knowledge of the person responsible for the work, or of the other judges in the category. The number of Outstanding Achievers in a category is determined by total entries and scoring range in the category.
Each category is coordinated by a category chairperson, who is responsible for securing the three judges. Media Awards Committee chair is Cody Law of Golf Mesquite Nevada.
For more information, visit www.inggolf.com.
Results by category in the 2013 ING Media Awards
1st Place: Joel Zuckerman (“Pro’s Pros: Extraordinary Club Professionals Making Golf Great”)
Outstanding Achievers: John O’Hearn (“SweetSpot: Confessions of a Golfaholic”); Martin Rather (“Taking The Course”)
1st Place: Jim Dunlap, Pellucid Perspective (“Water whoas”)
Outstanding Achievers: Tony Dear, Cybergolf.com (“A ray of sunshine for the golf industry”); Sally J. Sportsman, PGA Magazine Industry Insider (“Working hard to keep legacy members in the fold”).
1st Place: Gary Van Sickle, Golf.com (“Tiger still owns Firestone and golf”)
Outstanding Achievers: Tony Dear, Cybergolf.com (“Mickelson cements place among all-time greats”); Mike Kern, Philadelphia Daily News (“Aus-Some feat”); John Steinbreder, Global Golf Post (“Walker Cup returns to its roots”).
1st Place: Tony Dear, Golf World UK (“Just ban it already”).
Outstanding Achiever: Ed Travis, New England Golf Magazine (“Ball Battles”).
1st Place: Mike Kern, Philadelphia Daily News (“Long and short of it? Merion Tough Enough”
Outstanding Achievers: Tony Dear, Cybergolf.com (“Are golf’s governing bodies working in best interest of game?”); Jim Dunlap, The Pellucid Perspective (“Anchors (rule) away!”); Ed Gowan, AZ Golf Insider (“Speed up! While you’re young”); Kevin Kane, Central Virginia Region (“Dial back the ball”).
1st Place: Brian Orr, GolfGetaways Magazine (“Hardy challenge”)
Outstanding Achievers: Grant Fraser, Ontario Golf News (“Quebec – LaBelle Province”).
1st Place: Jack O’Leary, Tempus Magazine (“John Bentley Wright”);
Outstanding Achievers: Tony Dear, Cybergolf.com (“The man who lets his clubs do the talking”); John Steinbreder, Global Golf Post (“Ted Kiegel faces his own challenges”); Gary Van Sickle, Golf.Com (“Courage after fire: Jason’s story”); Joel Zuckerman, Cybergolf.com (“Head pro spotlight: Laurie Hammer”).
1st Place: The Met Golfer, April/May, 2013 (Greg Midland, Editor).
Outstanding Achievers: Golf Getaways, February 2013 (Vic Williams, Editor); NCGA Golf, Summer 2013 (Scott Seward, Editor); Pellucid Perspective, September 2013 (Jim Dunlap, Editor).
1st Place: Ann Liguori, Sports Innerview with Ann Liguori, WPB, 88.3FM (“Featuring Sebonack Golf Club”)
Outstanding Achievers: Holly Geoghegan, The Golf Insiders, Clear Channel Orlando (“Masters Wrapup”); Mitch Laurance, Hooked On Hickories, Golf Director Radio (“September Show”); Tony Leodora, GolfTalk Live in Philadelphia (“Atlantic City CC”).
1st Place: Chuck Garbedian, ESPN Milwaukee Dottie Pepper interview”).
Outstanding Achiever: Holly Geoghegan, The Golf Insiders, Clear Channel Orlando (“Nancy Lopez interview”).
1st Place: Jeff Neuman, The Met Golfer (“Scotland’s East Lothian Region”).
Outstanding Achievers: Ken MacLeod, Golf Oklahoma (“A little left of heaven”); Jeff Ritter, Golf.Com (“A golf adventure in Whistler”); John Steinbreder, Global Golf Post (“Over the moon Down Under”); Joel Zuckerman, Cybergolf.com (“Golf in a delightful part of the world”).
1st Place: Dave Lockhart, Chicago District Golfer TV (“April show”).
Outstanding Achievers: Mike Billingsley, Fox Sports Net (“Golf Life”); Tony Leodora, Traveling Golfer Show (“September show”).
1st Place: Mike Billingsley, Fox Sports Net (“Golf Life”)
Michelle Maier
407-328-0500, ext. 1