COLUMBUS, GA., February 5, 2014 – Roy Nix, Executive Director of the Association of Golf Clubfitting Professionals (AGCP), leader in the advancement of custom clubfitting and clubmaking, and owner of McNix Golf in Columbus, Georgia, proudly announces that Dan Connelly of Dan’s Custom Golf Shop – owner and developer of True Length Technology ™ and True Frequency Technology ™ clubmakers programs has returned as a proud sponsor and supporter of the AGCP.
True Length Technology ™ – Awarded ‘Best New Idea for Fitting’ by Roy Nix and the AGCP at the 2007 Round Table event in Georgia. True Length Technology ™ is a math based Fitting System (designed on CAD), that enables the golfer to remain in his strongest athletic address position – for every club, regardless of their stature. The age old ‘My short irons are too short and my long irons are too long’ will be a thing of the past. The True Length Technology ™ secret is in the individual length progression between each club. Simply put – the 1/2 inch length progression verses 1 degree of lie angle is mathematically incorrect. True Length Technology ™ corrects this condition. Now available as a full Excel Clubmaker’s package, where all 16 adult length and lie build charts (as well as 10 children’s charts), allow any and every size of golfer to now stand athletically correct – for every club. True Length Technology ™ has successfully fit a 7 foot tall man as well as the most petite of golfers. If you are not standing athletically correct you are not allowing yourself (or your customer’s) to play to their fullest ability.
Tom Wishon had this to say about True Length Technology ™ – ‘I had the opportunity to sit down and listen to Dan’s concept which flies in the face of literally decades of the golf industry’s traditional practice of changing the length of clubs by full inch or half-inch increments. After hearing Dan’s explanations for his True Length Technology™ length fitting methodology, I had to admit his work definitely has merit and should be considered by all Clubmakers.’
True Frequency Technology ™ is an Excel program that sorts raw sets of shafts (irons and woods) by frequency profiling, arranging the uncut shafts into a weakest to stiffest progression. This allows the clubmaker to go beyond just using the butt frequencies in their build. By knowing what goes on in the butt, mid and tip sections of every shaft prior to making any cuts, the final True Frequency Technology ™ sort allows the built clubs to become very consistent in feel and performance. Shaft profiling has become the accepted methodology by advanced clubmakers, where True Frequency Technology ™ will take them to the next level by pre-sorting entire sets of shafts prior to the build.
Please review my ‘Clubmaker’s Registry’ page to see how you can Register and become a True Length Technology ™ clubfitter, plus obtain the True Frequency Technology ™ program as well . Dan’s Custom Golf Shop is located in Hampton, ON, Canada.
True Length Technology ™ and True Frequency Technology ™ are Registered Trademarks of Dan Connelly and Dan’s Custom Golf Shop.
About the AGCP
Based in Columbus, GA, the AGCP is dedicated to the promotion and growth of custom fitting worldwide by providing classes, schools and conventions for the club fitting and club making industry. To learn more about the AGCP or to become a member call 762-821-3148 or visit and see our new interactive magazine style web site. You can sign up directly on the site.