Editor-in-Chief Jim Dunlap headlines this month’s Perspective issue with his coverage of the accelerating trend of private clubs either bringing in professional management or selling outright to a management company or investment group. We surmise that an increasing number of successful professionals in other industries are coming to the inevitable conclusion that they aren’t equally gifted to run a successful private club golf operation. Read his assessment and who’s on the buying side of the equation in this month’s Perspective:
In addition to private clubs “selling out,” the April issue of The Pellucid Perspective covers the following topics:
• Jim Dunlap also gets the “second billing” with his story on Digital Caddies having to significantly rework their business model in light of the collapse of their business relationship with Sprint to offer web connectivity as part of their “package.” This turn of events now shifts the cost of that required element of the DC system to course owner/operators. How many times have we seen this movie? Jim will “count the ways.”
• Stuart Lindsay applies his satirical wit to the potential downsides of digital and social media which all owner/operators should consider before hitting the “Send” function on that next Tweet, Blog, group email etc. in his piece titled, “Confessions of a social media Neanderthal.”
• Jim Koppenhaver bats clean up with a quick recap of the Q1 weather and the fact that, for the geographies in-season, Mother Nature has smiled favorably upon the places that matter for golf through the first 3 months of 2015.
• Plus the monthly Industry Scorecard (the only integrated scorecard of weather, rounds, utilization, revenue, RevpAR and equipment sales in one place) and Phoenix AZ as this month’s Market Focus which registered as the 8th healthiest of the Top 25 US Golf Markets in our annual ranking update (is this Phoenix rising from the ashes?).
We recognize and thank our continuing sponsors; KemperSports, Troon Golf and Bayer CropScience. As we turn the corner into a new calendar and budget year, may we suggest that your organization consider whether Pellucid Perspective sponsorship could help your business gain awareness and trial in 2015? We’re always looking for additional sponsors who are thought-leaders in their respective fields and continue our successful 12-month sponsorship offering at a slight discount vs. the basic six month sponsorship rate and which includes value-added Pellucid industry-standard reports (State of the Industry, Outside the Ropes, Monthly Weather Impact Tracking (Nat’l, Reg’l, Markets), Top 25 US Golf Markets Scorecard and National Golf Consumer Franchise Health Scorecard). Sponsorship provides exposure to approximately 30K industry leaders and followers and associates your brand with Pellucid’s effort to expand intelligent thinking on today’s most challenging industry issues. We may not have the broadest reach but we do attract the brightest and most progressive thinkers in the industry. For more information or to sign up for a six or twelve month sponsorship contact Editor-in-Chief Jim Dunlap (760-212-3714, mailto:jdgolfer@cox.net).
If you know of associates who would benefit from the topics and insights covered in this issue, feel free to forward this email and encourage them to register on the Pellucid website ( http://www.pellucidcorp.com/news/elist ) to join the conversation, discussion and debate.
Jim Koppenhaver, President, Pellucid Corp.