In the 1989 movie, “Field of Dreams”, starring Kevin Kostner, a farmer and baseball fan keeps hearing the phrase “if you build it they will come” and decides that if he can build a baseball field on his farm, then baseball players will come.
Well, since then, this phrase has come to mean that by building something, like a highway, tends to generate demand for that very thing, even though demand might not have materialized as quickly, if that highway had never been built. This phrase applied to golf courses before the turn of the Century when golfers could not get enough of golf and golf courses.
Fast forward to the second decade of the New Millennium and the phrase no longer holds water. Now, demand needs to be generated in a highly competitive environment that goes beyond just competing with other golf courses. It’s a struggle against other recreational activities and the biggest challenge of them all – the general waning interest in golf amongst younger demographics caused by high costs and the time taken to play the game amongst other problems.
All is not lost though. While it was a virtually painless exercise a few decades ago to fill a club’s membership roll, to stay ahead today, clubs need a new mind-set – a mind-set where MARKETING takes prominence. Marketing in today’s context goes beyond having a web site – this alone is not good enough. To be successful, a club needs to be savvy in engaging its target audience with technology that has to be used intelligently to be effective.
To make sense of the challenge faced by clubs in the field of marketing, the 2017 Asia Pacific Golf Summit (APGS) has reached out to the Legendary Marketing guru, Andrew Wood, and he will be the master navigator to guide all golf clubs through the mumbo-jumbo about Marketing Automation and how it can become a productive and helpful slave to the club industry.
Marketing automation is already with us in the golf club industry. Put simply, it is the way in which marketing actions are automated.
Many marketing departments in clubs have to automate repetitive tasks such as emails, social media, and other website actions. The technology of marketing automation makes these tasks easier.
At its best, marketing automation is software and tactics that allow clubs to nurture its members with highly personalized, useful content that helps convert them into happy and satisfied members. Isn’t this what all clubs want? Marketing automation typically generates significant new revenue streams for clubs and provides an excellent return on the investments made.
Andrew, the founder of Legendary Marketing, is the undisputed global king of golf club marketing and he has an intimate understanding of marketing automation and how it can be harnessed and put to use in a club environment.
Andrew will serve as an expert to clubs on how they can “develop a real marketing strategy and the best tactics for victory” in an automated marketing environment. Some of the key touch-points of his leading edge presentation will look at what marketing tactics to look at to provide a club with the best ROI in 2017.
Among other topics that he will discuss will include:
• How marketing automation can triple responses while you sleep;
• How to engage with LinkedIn – a sleeping giant of leads;
• Landing pages websites reinvented;
• The realization of “Content Marketing Being King” in the world of marketing automation;
There is no one better than Andrew to serve as the coach and guide to golf clubs on how to hop on the Marketing Automation Express – the wave that is taking over all operational aspects of how a club manages its marketing needs.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get onto the first page of Marketing Automation. Andrew Wood is the best and it’s a chance too good to miss. Only at APGS 2017!
Andrew Wood’s web site:
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