HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. – Ergo Golf announces the Kickstarter campaign for its Mv10 multi-tool, possibly the most versatile all-in-one golf tool ever. The Mv10 multi-tool is the Swiss Army knife for golfers — it’s a divot tool, club stand, ball retriever, accessory hook, smartphone tripod, target practice flag, range finder keeper, ball marker pick-up, bottle opener, cigar holder, can caddy and flag prop.
Even though golf is not considered a high-impact sport, golfers can spend several hours over time bending over setting down clubs, picking up balls, fixing divots, retrieving balls and ball markers. Actions that add stress and strain to your lower back and knees.
“A typical round of golf can require up to 125 (or more) ergonomically at-risk postures, most of which are performed on the green prior to the most stressful swing – the drive,” said avid golfer and ergonomist Lane Ellison. “The science is clear, if you reduce stress on the back and knees you can preserve your energy, power, and focus – hit it farther and play longer.”
Ellison came up with the idea for the Mv10 multi-tool while playing golf to stay physically active during his treatment and aid in his recovery from prostate cancer.
Golfers can take it with them while they play a round to help prop up extra clubs while on the fairway; fix divots, rest the flag within reach; and avoid wet and lost clubs. Pick up balls or place a marker with the suction cup. With its accessory hook and towel loop, the Mv10 multi-tool eliminates the need to walk back to your bag for a towel or brush.
While you practice putting, chipping or driving, place your smartphone in the mount on the Mv10 Multi-Tool and easily record your game for instant feedback. With the Mv10’s accessory hook there’s no need to walk back to the cart for a towel, brush, can or cigar.
Many professional golfers require multiple surgeries on their knees and backs to sustain their careers. Could using an Ergo Golf multi-tool extend a pro’s career? We think it’s a competitive edge golfers are not yet taking advantage of.
Pre-orders are available until Oct. 22, 2017 on or search for “ergo golf”. Early bird specials are limited, so order today for the best discount. For more information, visit
ABOUT ERGO GOLF: The mission of Ergo Golf is to raise PSA testing awareness and reduce prostate cancer deaths. Ergo Golf is committed to directing a percentage of the proceeds from the Mv10 multi-tool sales to help support Prostate Cancer awareness and golf tournament fundraising events nationally.
Josh DeStefano
(949) 294-7319
Holly Geoghegan
Golf Marketing Services