ROBBINSDALE, MN – CertiFresh Cigar®, a leading provider of premium cigars to golf clubs around the country, has recently added two high-end Rocky Patel offerings to its lineup of individually packaged cigars.
For over 20 years, CertiFresh Cigar® has offered the finest brand-name cigars that are delivered in a perfectly humidified custom package. Boveda’s patented two-way humidity control device is the cornerstone of CertiFresh packaging. Freshness of cigars is guaranteed for one year due to the packaging, so golf courses do not have to maintain a traditional humidor to carry the product.
The newest additions to the CertiFresh lineup are Rocky Patel’s Grand Reserve and Special Editions premium cigars.
“With these additions, we are focusing on high-end country clubs and resorts as the price point fits these areas,” said Eric Nelson, co-owner of CertiFresh Cigar®. “This should help us with a few clients that are looking to bring in an elite brand for their customers.
Rocky Patel, a liability lawyer in Los Angeles, was an avid cigar enthusiast in the early 1990s when he decided to invest in a cigar company, and launched Indian Tibac Cigar Co. In 2003 he changed to name to Rocky Patel Premium Cigars. Patel has launched numerous top-selling brands, including The Edge, Decade, Fifteenth Anniversary, Royale, Java, Twentieth Anniversary, and Sun Grown Maduro – his highest rated cigar from Cigar Aficionado magazine that earned 95 points and the #2 Cigar of 2016.
Rocky rarely sees his home and headquarters in Naples, Florida. Yearly, he logs more than 300 days on the road and over 150,000 miles, constantly taking his message directly to the consumer. With his eye-popping packaging, Patel has gone against the grain and the strategy certainly paid off.
CertiFresh has enjoyed steady growth over years, and now services over 3,000 golf courses, clubs, resorts and casinos. The company changed hands back in April when Bill Porter, who founded the company in 1999, turned over the reins to Eric and Matt Nelson.
The company moved its offices from Edina, MN, to Robbinsdale, MN, in April when the COVID-19 pandemic slowed sales. Since then the company has regained the momentum it enjoyed prior to the coronavirus.
“I am happy to say that we were able to continue to ship cigars to courses that were in need during these trying times,” said Nelson. “The great thing about golf is that it has provided a much-needed outlet during the pandemic.”
The wide range of quality cigars offered by CertiFresh includes: Acid, Alec Bradley, Ashton, Avo, Cohiba, Davidoff, Fuente, La Aroma, Liga, Macanudo, Montecristo, Punch, Oliva, Romeo y Julietta, Rocky Patel and Undercrown.
Every CertiFresh Cigar comes with customized packaging featuring the club or event logo, making for great gifts for tournaments and events. There is no added charge for the customized packaging.
Contact your local rep or CertiFresh Cigar directly at 800-375-2373, or visit
For over 20 years, CertiFresh Cigar® has offered the finest brand-name cigars that are delivered in a perfectly humidified custom package. Boveda’s patented two-way humidity control device is the cornerstone of CertiFresh packaging. The device keeps cigars at a precise 69% humidity that guarantees their freshness for one year without a humidor. CertiFresh packaging is individually customized for an impact like no other cigar sales program, and has revolutionized how premium cigars are distributed to and sold at nontraditional cigar retailers.
CertiFresh employs the finest professional golf representatives in the country. Working with a local representative gives CertiFresh customers the assurance that their cigar sales program is tailored specifically for them. Presently, over 3,000 of the most prestigious golf resorts, private and public golf courses, and casinos around the world trust the CertiFresh Cigar Team to provide perfectly humidified cigars in custom packaging.
Mike Jamison