Stop Guessing at Your Market’s “Health” GLMA Snapshot Report with Weather Impact Offer
People often associate our multi-dimensional Golf Local Market Analysis (GLMA) report with feasibility studies and strategic planning. But every week we help clients quantify and answer basic questions quickly and affordably through our GLMA Workbook reports.
Example 1: The city of Duluth MN is in a fight with its citizens to convince them that closing one or more of the municipal-run courses aligns with the market dynamics and is the financially-responsible decision. Key question, “Is the market oversupplied and by how much?” GLMA answer, “Using 2000 as the benchmark of equilibrium and comparing annual changes in supply to annual changes in rounds demand, yes, by roughly 22% (that’s 109 holes for you laymen out there, wow!). And they’re debating whether to close 9 or 18 holes, really? It took us <1 day and it costs <$500 to answer that and a dozen other “market health” questions surrounding Duluth MN.
Example 2: An owner of a failed golf course is being sued for closing the course and demanded by the HOA to re-open and run it (profitably, of course). A quick review of the demographics, participation and frequency rates factored by age, income and ethnicity, the supply size and profile, rounds demand trends and weather-adjusted utilization clearly demonstrates that the local market will not support enough throughput at market-prevailing rates to profitably “float” this golf course. Boom, put that in your pipe and smoke it HOA!
The GLMA Factbook is a 10-dimensional view of any golf course draw area or standard geography in the US:
- Map of the draw areas or standard geography with facilities by type and median household income plotted
- Facility list, Pellucid type, weekend price and proximity to the subject facility
- Demographic composition, historical growth rate and 5 year future projections
- Local golfer base size, average frequency and Play Rate (rounds per capita)
- Rounds potential figures and indices weighted by income, age and ethnicity
- Rounds demand history from ’00-’17, 5 year and 10-year Compound Annual Change Rates
- Supply/Demand balance and distance from equilibrium (% and # of holes)
- Supply size and composition by Pellucid consumer-based facility types (Priv, Pub-Premium, Pub-Value, Pub-Price, Learning & Practice)
- Facility-based annual rounds and average facility velocity (annual rounds per 18-hole equivalent) and Utilization using Pellucid regional weather stations for Capacity Rounds at the All Facility level and by the 5 Pellucid facility types
- Weather Impact, ’17/’16/’15 Capacity Rounds and 10-year average using Pellucid regional weather station
Pricing for the workbook is $450 and includes up to 3 draw areas (i.e. 15, 25, 30 minute drivetime) or 1 standard geography (i.e. Chicago metro market). You can have this comprehensive view of your market in your hands in <2 business days. Given that reality, why people still guess at this stuff is beyond us.
To make the offer more interesting (yes, this is the “call to action”), we’ll include the more comprehensive Pellucid Weather snapshot for the market’s weather station at no additional charge (that’s a $100 value) for any GLMA Factbook order until midnight CDT Friday 9/13. Order now and, within days, you’ll be armed with unbiased, independent facts about the health of your market to take on taxpayers, homeowners or anyone else with a beef. Or you can simply use it to run your business better and win at the expense of the masses who will continue to “just guess.”
Jim Koppenhaver, President, Pellucid Corp.