PITTSBURGH, Pa. – The Golf Heritage Society (GolfHeritage.org) will present a live video conversation between Dr. Bob Jones IV, grandson of golf legend Bobby Jones Jr., and Connor T. Lewis, GHS Region 3 Director and host of TalkinGolf History. The video chat, available exclusively to GHS members and supporters, will be presented on March 31 at 8:00 p.m. free of charge.

Dr. Bob Jones IV
“We are proud to announce this new GHS programming feature,” said Dr. Bern Bernacki, president of the Society. “It will be the first of many live video chats with golf luminaries, a series that will be of great interest to GHS members.
“Bob will share memories of his grandfather from his unique perspective, offering a distinctive glimpse into the life of Bobby Jones.”
Anyone interested in tuning into this special program feature is invited to join the GHS at GolfHeritage.org.
Dr. Bob Jones IV, a clinical and sport psychologist in private practice at the Behavioral Institute of Atlanta, in Sandy Springs. He holds advanced degrees in theology and clinical psychology and has done further post-doctoral training in neuropsychology. In addition to his work as a psychologist, Dr. Jones is the president of Jonesheirs, Inc., and is committed to preserving the legacy and image of Bobby Jones.
About the Golf Heritage Society
Founded in 1970, the GHS is a global nonprofit organization that honors and promotes golf’s history. The annual membership fee is $50. For information or to join the GHS, visit GolfHeritage.org.
Sally J. Sportsman