Golf Weather Impact: July GPH steady as she goes, June Utilization holds its own
July weather was off slightly as Golf Playable Hours (GPH) were down 1% vs. Year-Ago (YA). That kept the Year-to-Date (YtD) GPH figure within tenths of a percent (-0.4%) of ’20’s result.
Played Rounds for June as published by Golf Datatech finally ran into the wall of reality against the amazing ’20 results but still managed to match last year’s figure (+0.4%). To the critical question of how much weather impacted our flat rounds result, recall that the previously-reported June GPH was -2% so the flat rounds yields a marginal Utilization gain (+1 pt) and we’ll add it to the winning streak, now 13 consecutive months of Utilization gains!
A broader description of the July weather and June Utilization results can be found at our website in the Featured Items section or you can get the full picture by subscribing to either the Pellucid Publications Membership or the Geographic Weather Impact report. Both provide the 45 regional breakdowns, the 61 markets figures, the day-of-week weather impact and the Year-End National GPH forecast figure as well as our full commentary on the results every month.
Another avenue for seeing your weather-adjusted performance is our recently-launched facility comparative performance and local market benchmarking tool, the Golf Market Research Center (GMRC). You can get in on the action by subscribing during the Charter Membership period which we’ve recently extended to 9/15/21. We’re also offering a free 2-wk trial of the GMRC tool for those who missed the 2-month window while we were in development of the tool back in April-May. Program participants have been able to view single page, comparative monthly periods for Rounds and Utilization from ’19-’21 as well as having a 7 measure KPI single page report for any month and YtD period for which they entered data. The GMRC gives you visibility to your Market Profile and, after you enter your Rounds, Golf Revenue and Peak Season GF Rate by month, to immediately see your results through our comparative reports with integrated weather impact. So how do you “get in on the action”? Glad you asked…
- You can email, to subscribe as a Charter Member (see below for benefits) and get started by inputting your information through June or if you’d like to engage in the 2-wk trial
- If you’d like more information you have two options:
The Charter Member subscription period runs through 9/15/21 and the benefits from being in on the ground floor include:
- Future pricing “favored nation” status
- Annual license to Cognilogic (historical weather impact, facility-specific, web portal delivered, unlimited use, $180/yr if bought individually)
- Annual license to Cognilogic Foresight (60 day Capacity Rounds and weather variable forecast, facility-specific, also web portal delivered/unlimited use, $360/yr if bought individually)
- Participation in the GMRC revenue-rebate co-op program
Final cherry-on-top, GMRC is a product in the NGCOA SmartBuy program so there’s a member benefit for the annual subscription. The Charter Member train is leaving the station; after 9/15 you’ll still be able to subscribe, you just won’t get any of the benefits above (particularly the revenue rebate co-op program)!