Hello golf stakeholders:
With the PGA Merchandise Show and the GCSAA annual gathering, both held in-person, now in the rearview mirror, the northern clime full-season staff is now back in action planning for the upcoming season-opening while the full season markets are making hay while the COVID surge sun still shines. With several interesting and controversial topics bouncing around the industry media (competitive Saudi tour, exhibitor decisions on whether to “play or pass” on Orlando this year) Publisher Jim K. and Contributing Editor Stuart Lindsay decided to do a point-counterpoint joint column on their perspectives and supporting arguments to put in the collective golf media opinion pool. As usual, they agree on some things and, on others, well…
We’ve seen the January weather impact (if you’re tuned into the Pellucid “channel” and on our distribution list you saw this 2 weeks ago, if not see the weather impact section in this issue) as well as the preview of rounds played results enabled by our Golf Market Research Center (GMRC) subscribers and it’s a challenging opening month on both fronts. A new bet has been struck for ’22, this one on Utilization and the over/under is 65.7% which would roughly translate to ~505M rounds in ’22. Read on for February’s unique opinions, numbers & insights …