Golf USA Tee Time Coalition publishes on its website co-founder Harvey Silverman compiled a comprehensive history of online tee times, commissioned by the Golf USA Tee Time Coalition and the National Golf Course Owners Association.
“I got involved with online tee times near the beginning, in 1996 with EZLinks” says co-founder Harvey Silverman. “Jared Williams of the Golf USA Tee Time Coalition, and Jay Karen of the NGCOA honored me with the opportunity to pull together all the disparate stories of how online tee times came to be, and where we are now.”
Here is the link to the online tee times history site:
Silverman continues, “We set up the site in a way that enables people to edit what’s there and add where gaps exist, kind of like Wikipedia. In fact, this is golf’s ‘WikiTEEdia.’ Jared Williams and I maintain oversight to insure accuracy and that responses are appropriate. As I spoke with various people who were or are players in this business (and are noted on the website), I found more and more layers of stories and facts that make the history compelling, especially considering we’ve reached only about 25% of all public tee times booked online. One thing I could not calculate is how much money, time, and effort has been invested in this technology and service – but as you go through the timeline you’ll get the idea that it’s a lot. It raises the question, ‘Has it been worth it for golfers and golf course operators?’ The historical timeline will help people decide. I hope everyone enjoys the read.”
About LLC: does not require tee times. It is golf’s contribution to the convenience revolution pioneered by services like Open Table and Lyft. Pay-by-hole golf is not new, but using technology to pair golfers who don’t have enough time to play a full round with golf courses that offer pay-by-hole makes it a viable way for many courses to promote and generate incremental revenue. Our web app is easy to implement and manage and is finding its way to both advanced-thinking course operators, and to golfers whose lifestyles demand an alternative to play the game. Contact Harvey Silverman at 650.362.3229, or
Contact Name: Harvey Silverman
Company name: LLC
Phone Number: 650-362-3229