Sports Turf Solutions Bulks Up!
Sports Turf Solutions (STS) is a real success story. As a company that started in Asia, it has grown into a major force in the golf industry and ranks as the number one Asian player in the golf and agronomy business.
STS was started by Brad Burgess who is now living out his dream as the supplier of choice to top golf courses in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia.
To mark the company’s exceptional growth, STS has embarked on a programme to produce a monthly e-bulletin aimed at communicating news direct to the golf club and agronomy industry. Besides this, STS also plans on releasing frequent mini-bulletins designed to keep the industry well informed and in tune with industry developments.
Check out its inaugural e-bulletin at the following link and don’t forget to get your free subscription started. STS – The Largest Producer of Certified Grasses in Asia!
This message is brought to you by the Asia Pacific Golf Group (2014) Pte Ltd.