Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. – From January 5th through 29th, the EWGA (Executive Women’s Golf Association) is celebrating the start of its 25th Anniversary with a daily drawing for ’25 Days of Gifts’ at Anyone can enter to win a wide array of gifts — from golf umbrellas and visors to sunglasses, books, golf clubs and much more. There is a different gift each day and the winner is selected from all who have entered during that specific day.
“We have been opening doors and welcoming women into golf for 25 years. So why not launch our 25th Anniversary celebration by sharing golf gifts?” says Pam Swensen, CEO of EWGA. “It’s a fun way to engage members and introduce others to expect more from golf by being part of EWGA’s golf community for women. Just enter each day online at for a chance to win the ‘Gift of the Day’.”
Founded in 1991, EWGA is the only women’s golf community with a national chapter footprint in more than 100 major cities in the United States as well as international chapters in Bermuda, Canada and Italy.
The EWGA golf community for women is comprised of a broad range of golfers from beginners to experienced players who take fun seriously. Annually, EWGA hosts thousands of golf, social and networking opportunities throughout the country as well as major national competitions and events. Members are accomplished, interesting professional women from a collection of diverse backgrounds. EWGA is locally connected and nationally respected. For more information see
Twitter: @ewga Facebook: ewga1
Angie Niehoff
561-868-0297 or 305-582-7450