Starting at Golfest Orlando then on to Panama for the Nationwide Tour stop and then back to the PGA show in Orlando bright and early Thursday morning. Peter performed 3 shows at the PGA show at the 19th hole. Peter also had a booth at the show and reported a great success.
"The show was great. We meet many new people and event organizers as well as some familiar faces. I feel that the PGA show is a must for anyone in the industry. It has great variety of all the different aspects of golf," stated Peter from his office in Jupiter, FL.
This weekend Peter will be performing at GolfWeeks Golfest in Ft. Lauderdale. Visit Golfest at
Peter will be on stage at 12 noon on Saturday and Sunday.
You will also be able to get his new DVD "Experience the Mysteries of Golf" at a Golfest special price.
Tel +1 561 627-2221